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The official text is the English language version of the Fund's website. If you have any questions related to the accuracy of the information contained in your translation, please refer to the English version of the website.

English (United States)


Purchase, Sale or Refinancing of a Home

A Fund lawyer will represent you in the purchase, sale or refinancing of a one- or two-family home, cooperative or condominium apartment, provided that you do not own another home, cooperative or condominium apartment and you and your family will principally reside there. The Fund will also reimburse you up to $200 for a home inspection, and up to $125 for a termite inspection, provided you use a Fund attorney, and that title closes. The Fund will represent your spouse only in a joint transaction with you.

Who is eligible?  Participant and spouse, if a joint contract.


Wills, Health Care Proxies and Powers of Attorney

A Fund lawyer will prepare a simple will*, a health care proxy and/or a power of attorney for you and your eligible spouse.

Who is eligible?  Participant and spouse.


Purchase of Goods and Services

A Fund lawyer will represent you in a case involving your complaint related to faulty goods or services where the amount reasonably in controversy exceeds the small claims court jurisdiction. The small claims jurisdiction is presently $5,000 in New York and $3,000 in New Jersey, subject to change at any time. If the amount in controversy is less than the small claims court jurisdiction, your Fund lawyer will advise you as to your rights and what steps you might take yourself, but will not represent you in court. The Fund will not handle your case involving goods or services where a private attorney would take your case on a contingent fee basis.

Who is eligible?  Participant, spouse and covered child(ren).


Estate Matters (Small)

A Fund lawyer will advise you regarding the administration of a small estate (i.e., assets in New York State under $30,000) of an eligible person who dies leaving a will, or without leaving a will, and will assist you in preparing necessary papers.

Who is eligible?  Participant and spouse.


Debt Cases

A Fund lawyer will represent you in any settlement negotiations where you are sued for a debt arising from the purchase of goods or services from a merchant, or arising from your borrowing money from an institutional lender. A Fund lawyer will represent you in court where you have a valid and provable defense.

Who is eligible?  Participant, spouse and dependent(s).

If you are covered by the 32BJ North Legal Services Fund your benefits are different. Call Member Services at 800-551-3225 for more information.