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Google Translate is made available on the Fund's website solely for your convenience.
The official text is the English language version of the Fund's website. If you have any questions related to the accuracy of the information contained in your translation, please refer to the English version of the website.

English (United States)

Ask A Question

If you have a question about your eligibility for legal benefits or about the types of cases we can handle for you, please fill out the information below. We will do our best to answer you by email or telephone within 48 business hours. Fields marked with an * are required.
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Disclaimer: Our response to you will not contain, nor can it be relied upon as legal advice. By submitting a question, you have not retained the Legal Fund to perform any services, nor does the Legal Fund agree to represent you by receiving your question and/or responding to it. We cannot give you any legal advice unless and until you speak directly, by telephone or in person, to one of our representatives. If you receive legal papers or are arrested, contact the Legal Fund immediately by calling the number on the top of this page or by visiting our office.